Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan

By | September 9, 2016

Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan: Hello friends. Good Morning. First of all, Our GED Team Wishes you a Very Happy Grandparent’s Day to Your Grandpa & Grandma.This year Grandparent’s day will be celebrated on 11th of September to appreciate all the grandparents for their dedication, ever-lasting love, and care for their grandchildren. This day was first celebrated in the year 1978, and it is celebrated on the first Sunday after Labour’s day from then on.

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In this article, We are going to share the Best Collection of Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan With Best Wishes for Grandmother & Grandfather.

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This day was first celebrated to recognize the importance of a grandparent in the family structure, the upbringing, and teaching of the children in the family. It is undeniably true that even though our parents and teachers teach us a lot, it is always our grandparents who teach us the wisest things in life.

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Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan

They have taught us about our traditions, nation, and religion. They have lived through the toughest of times and hence have taught us the importance of love, peace and harmony in life. They were our first friends and had taught us how to make many new friends in life. Let us respect all their efforts and wish them a happy grandparent’s day.

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Here We are providing the Awesome Collection of Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan to Wish Happy Grandparent’s Day to Your Grandpa & Grandma.

Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

Get the special collection of Happy National Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogans for Your Grandfather & Grandmother.

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“A house needs a grandma in it.” Louisa May Alcott

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan

“One curious thing about growing up is that you don’t only move forward in time, you move backwards as well, as pieces of your parents’ and grandparents’ lives come to you.”
Happy Grandparent’s Day 2016!
-Philip Pullman

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television.” Author Unknown

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Grandmothers are voices of the past and role models of the present. Grandmothers open the doors to the future. Happy Grandparent’s Day 2016!” Helen Ketchum

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan

“If you are lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them and celebrate them while you can”. Happy National Grandparent’s Day 2016  -Regina Brett

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” Joyce Allston

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Her grandmother, as she gets older, is not fading but rather becoming more concentrated. Happy Grandparent’s Day 2016!” Paulette Bates Alden

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. Happy Grandparent’s Day” Pam Brown

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Why do grandparents and grandchildren get along so well? They have the same energy — the mother.Happy Grandparent’s Day 2016” Claudette Colbert

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother.Happy Grandparent’s Day”Edward H. Dreschnack

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.Happy Grandparent’s Day”Alex Haley

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“The best babysitters, of course, are the baby’s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida.”

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Young people need something stable to hang on to — a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them.” – Jay Kesler

Happy Grandparent's Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings & Slogan

“Truth be told, being a grandma is as close as we ever get to perfection. The ultimate warm sticky bun with plump raisins and nuts. Clouds nine, ten, and eleven.” – Bryna Nelson Paston

Happy Grandparent’s Day Quotes, Sayings & Slogan Wishes Video For WhatsApp

Download the Best Happy National Grandparent’s Day Quotes, Sayings & Slogan Wishes Video For WhatsApp From here.

Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Poems & Shayari

Get the best Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Poems & Shayari with Best Wishes For Grandma & Grandpa. You can send it via Facebook & WhatsApp.

Everything that I’ve become I owe to you.

Thank you for the special grandparents
that you are and for all the wonderful
things you have done through the years!
Your love means so much to me !!

Happy National Grandparents Day 2016 !


A grandmother has a special talent- She always knows just what to do To make her grandchildren happy And to show she loves them, too. At the family get-togethers, She’s the first person to look for- She can entertain small children for hours, And they always keep asking for more. You can tell when a grandmother’s teasing By the twinkle that shines in her eyes- She’s an expert at settling problems, For she’s loving, patient and wise. Her grandchildren always admire her, Even when they are grown- They always feel proud and happy To claim Grandmother as their own!


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Who can forget about how our grandfather always had the time to play with us? Who can forget about the cookies and other delicacies that our grandmother prepared just for us? Without our grandparents, our childhood might not be that interesting and playful. The teachings and presence of our grandparents not only have made our childhood memorable, but it has also made our lives as an adult enlightening.

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They have presented us with that gift which taught us the ways of life. We thank all the grandparents for this invaluable gift and the abundant love that you have showered on us. We truly appreciate your dedication towards the family as the heads of the family, the simple guide and mentor, and that faithful friend who is always there to grab our hand when we fall. You have changed our lives for the better, and we will never forget any of the moments we have spent with you. Happy grandparent’s day!!

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We hope you will like it our post on,Happy Grandparent’s Day Wishes Quotes, Sayings, Poem, Shayari & Slogan. If you liked it then don’t forget to share it on social networking sites like Facebook, Google+ & Twitter.

Thanks for visiting our site.

Have a beautiful day!

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