Poetry Analysis Essay Writing Tips

By | December 27, 2016

When one studies language and literature, he or she should be able to analyze different types of literary texts. Poetry is supposed to be the basis of literature whereas the earliest documented texts were epic poems. Although the majority of poems are quite short, it is very difficult to analyze them appropriately especially if you do not have enough experience in this field. If you need to prepare a great analysis of a poem, you can learn how to do it professionally. If you want to buy Grammarly tool for Essay writing then here you will get Grammarly discount.

Attentive Reading

  1. Read the Poem for the First Time
    Your primary move is to read the poem attentively in order to understand what it is about. Moreover, you should feel its content and formulate your personal attitude towards it. Your primary reaction is considerable for the analysis because it can change if you start analyzing the poem profoundly. For example, you can notice descriptions, repetitions, dialogues or solid number of various similes or metaphors. Moreover, you can notice whether the poem is easy for reading or not. Are there rhymes or not? Do you understand what it is about?
  2. Read the Poem Again and Make Some Notes
    It is reasonable to reread the poem several times and write down several ideas about your analysis. In addition, you should define the literal meaning of the poem. Sometimes, poems are difficult for reading and understanding forasmuch authors utilize numerous stylistic devices trying to produce a literary work of art. They use many symbols or metaphors that require deep background knowledge. Your duty is to catch the meaning of the text and turn it into simple English. Imagine that you need to retell the poem to your friends or parents. How would it sound in simple words? What is its main message?

Attentive reading is probably the most vital skill because many details are so slight and vague that only a sharp eye can notice them.

Focus on the Poem’s Structure and Poetic Tools

  1. Divide the Poem into the Main Parts
    Every literary text has a logical structure. Authors do not insert the definite words in the specific places randomly. It is wise to count the lines and stanzas in order to find the algorithm for the further analysis. Poems generally consist of several stanzas. Every stanza has several lines. Sometimes authors create every stanza in the different way. They change the number of verses and even lines. The reason is very simple. Most often, every stanza has its particular topic; therefore, it should be separated from the other sections of the poem. As for the common composition, the absolute number of poems is regular and contains stanzas with the same number of lines which have similar structure and rhyme scheme.
  2. Define the Rhyme Scheme
    Everyone can recognize a poem due to its musical sound achieved through the use of rhymes. Rhymes definitely make a poem sound pleasantly but they also influence the meaning and emphasize the poem’s form. There are several kinds of rhymes. Everybody knows about end rhymes which end every line in a similar way. There are also internal rhymes that emphasize a word in the center of a line. Besides, one can differentiate true rhymes and off-rhymes. The first type is characterized with the rhymed words that sound in the same way, for example, ‘tide’ and ‘ride’. The second types can be recognized with the similar sound though their resemblance is much weaker. For example, ‘date’ and ‘saint’.
  3. Pay attention to the Stylistic Devices
    This step is paramount whereas it teaches you to read between the lines and find hidden information in the text. It is possible to enumerate dozens of stylistic devices. Some authors have their favorite ones and utilize them in their poems regularly. Some poems are full of similes and metaphors. For example, the author compares the main character with a tree or cloud. Sometimes he or she uses personification making an unloving object feel pain or happiness like a human being does. There are poems with possess alliteration. This trick is characterized with the use of the words that begin with the same letter. For instance, every word of the entire line begins with ‘b’. Finally, it is easy to define the tone or mood of the whole poem. Poems can be sad, jolly, passionate, encouraging, etc. The set of the stylistic devices plays a considerable role in this aspect.

Try to find as many poetic tools as possible inasmuch as the entire analysis of an essay is mostly based on this job. Do not omit a single device.

Write Your Essay

Start your essay with a short introduction. Name the title of the poem and its author. Say a few words about the author’s achievements. The main body of your paper should be devoted to the presentation of your findings. Place the results of your analysis there. Introduce all the peculiarities concerning the poem’s structure and poetic tools. Conclude your essay with your personal attitude towards the poem and its value for literature.

These professional poetry analysis writing guidelines are willingly provided by essay experts from CheapWritingHelp.com.

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